1. Run the Homecloud Monitor application

The Homecloud Monitor application can be downloaded from here.

2. Login to Homecloud

The Homecloud Monitor application requires that you login using the email and password you specified when you purchased your Homecloud Domain.

3. Select your Connector domain

If you are logging in for the first tine, the Connector installation process will start. The following screen will be displayed:

Select which domain you will be using for this connector. If no domains are displayed, you must purchase a domain before installing the connector.

4. Select the Server your Server Application is running on

In most cases, you will install the Monitor Application on the same computer where you are running your Server Application. You may need to install the Monitor Application on a different computer if you cannot install the Monitor Application directly on the computer that hosts your Server Application. This will often be the case when your Server Application is running on an appliance such as a Security Camera DVR system. If you are installing a homecld server application (eg. jellyfin, Nextcloud, photoprism) then you should select yes.

Once you have selected which computer that the Server Application is running on click “Next“.

5. Select which type of Server Application you are using

Select the type of Server Application you are running from the drop down list. If you are not running a general http application that is not on the supported list, select “HTTP” or “HTTPS”. If you are running an unsupported Server Application that is not running on a standard port, select “Other”.

If you select an application and it is not installed, you will get a warning like the one below. If you have an application installed, but it is running on a different port select “other” and choose your port.

When ready click next.

7. Review the Connector Installation Settings

Review the settings that will be used to install you Connector. If everything looks correct, click “Next“. If not, click Back” or “Exit“.

8. Installation Complete

Once installation is complete, the Homecloud Monitor will appear.

The Homecloud Monitor displays the status of each Connector. If your connector has just been installed, the Connector will often display a Yellow status while the connector is being provisioned in the cloud. Wait for the status to turn Green before using your Server Application.

Once your Connector is provisioned you can access any time by either clicking on the link in the Homecloud Monitor window or by typing the domain name into any browser. You are done!!!

Note that the Homecloud Monitor is a System Tray application. You bring bring it up any time you want by clicking the application icon in your system tray