Windows 10 or greater version 22H2 or greater
8GB of ram minimum
16gb or more recommended, especially when multiple applications are installed.

  1. Install Docker Desktop – Installation instructions can be found here.
  2. Purchase your Home cloud domain – You can purchase your Homecld connector here.
  3. Download the homecld application. – Download it from here and run it.
  4. Login – You should now be presented with a login screen. Login using the same credentials you used to purchase your homecld connector. Click the blue login button.
  5. Installing a Homecld application – If this is the first time logging into homecld you should see a screen that says “no applications installed” click “install application”. If you already have existing connections you can bring up the same page by clicking the homecld tray icon and clicking Install Application.

  6. Installation screen – select Nextcloud in the dropdown of this screen and click install
  7. Installing the application – Wait until the first stage of installation is completed. It might take some time depending on the speed of your machine, so have patience. When the first stage of installation is completed, the following popup will appear.
    click OK. A new browser window should pop up.
  8. Finishing the nextcloud installation and setting a password. You should now have a screen like the one below.
    Create a username and password in this screen. This is your admin login for your nextcloud. The username and password can be anything you want. Just make sure you remember it, and it is not a easy to guess password.
  9. In the next screen you can add recommended apps. Apps can always be added or removed later, so this step is optional. go ahead and click either “install recommended apps” or “skip”.
  10. Installing connector for access anywhere – go back to the homecld tray app and click “view applications”. Now click “Add Connector”
  11. Install your Homecloud connector – Instructions for installing a Homecloud Connector can be found here.
  12. Green = Good – Your connector should now show up green. Now you should be able to access nextcloud from any computer or device in the world via your homecld domain. go ahead and try it.